How to help Nosebleeds from Children?

Bleeding from the nose is common in people of all ages, young and old, most often in children, as they are more likely to be injured at any time while running or hanging out in hot weather.


✅ You can help them immediately as follows:

1️⃣ Urgently get the child to sit down as fast as possible, put his head down and let him breathe through his mouth and squeeze the soft part of the front of the nose for 10 minutes before releasing little by little.

2️⃣ In case the first method still bleeds, tell the child to blow loudly out of their mouth and continue to squeeze the front part of the nasal mucosa for 10 minutes again and then release a little as above. Also.

3️⃣ When the bleeding stops, use a cotton ball soaked in warm water to wash your baby's face and instruct him to rest.

If you practice the above three methods and the child still has nosebleeds, please bring them to the clinic immediately so that our team can diagnose and treat in time.